I am a Brooklyn-based International Board Certified Lactation Counselor (IBCLC). My goal is to provide individualized non-judgemental care to meet new parents where they are on their feeding journeys. I am committed to helping families navigate the early days and weeks of feeding their babies. Whether you and your baby are new at breastfeeding, or you would like to learn how to transition your baby to a bottle or wean your baby, I can help with all these transitions. Some examples of common issues I work with my clients on are positioning and latch assistance, nipple pain, clogged ducts, mastitis, milk supply issues, infant weight gain concerns, and pumping and storing milk. I provide in-home visits in Brooklyn and telehealth in all boroughs.
Preparing for breast/chestfeeding prenatally can provide a foundation for initiating breast/chestfeeding. I recommended scheduling a prenatal lactation session with me to learn about the basics to get you off to a good start. (most insurances cover this). I am in-network with many major insurance companies. Currently, I am in-network with Aetna, United Health Care, Oxford Freedom, and Blue Cross Blue Shield. I am out-of-network with Cigna but provide super bills for reimbursement. Please click below to request to book/inquire.